"Believe in something you believe in, there is no such thing as blind faith." - Dom

Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the function of the physiological system named the CranioSacral system.


Domenic's gentle facilitation invites you to a waking dream state of expanded consciousness and toward a deeper understanding of who and what we are.

Dolphin Assisted Therapy

The Dolphin Assisted Therapy program explores and supports the interspecies communication between humans and dolphins as a co-healing process. 

Wilderness Vision Quest

4 days and 4 nights immersed in the beauty and healing energy of nature, alone in a Quest circle, no distractions, fasting from all things familiar.


  • I have been seeing Dom for about a decade now, and after literally hundreds of treatments, no two sessions have even been the same. Dom is an unbelievably talented healer. His ability to tune into the needs of the body and assist the body to repair damage, whether mental or physical is unmatched. 

  • Domenic has changed my life. He has helped bring more peace to my being and has set me on a healing path. From muscles to energy work, Dom knows what my body and mind need to release. He has such a diverse wealth of knowledge and experience that a treatment from him is like a gift, truly magical.

    HeidiSouth Africa
  • In my experience, craniosacral healing helps me listen to the deep subconscious being within me. I discover hidden energetic imprints and am able to release fear, anger and anxiety that have been locked within my body for years. As a result of letting go of unhealthy patterns that do not serve me, my life has been revitalized with balanced clarity. 

  • The first time I worked with Dom was because of the recommendation of a friend. It was the first time I had this kind of treatment and it turned out to be a full and deep experience. 
    I was suffering from pretty heavy jet lag, because I had come from Europe to visit Ontario. The treatment gave me a really good chance to relax and feel the flow of energy at the same time.
