Here are some suggested resources from Domenic

  • What are the benefits of CST?

    CST can help in so many ways. Because our central nervous system is so important to everything that goes on in our body, any imbalance or restriction will, to some degree, have an effect on the functioning of our body, from organs to glands and muscles to mind. Click here to view a full list of common benefits.

  • How many sessions do I need?

    As each person is unique, with one’s own experiences and stories, responses to CST will vary.  Further, no two conditions are alike - even with similar symptoms, because of an individual’s own personal situation.
    The number of sessions needed varies, from just one or two, to several over a period of a few months. However, three or four treatments over a two month period is recommended to determine if the treatment is the preferred one. Lastly, many clients experience benefits they hadn’t been expecting that go beyond the purpose of their initial visits.

  • What will you experience after a CST session?

    As each individual presents his/her own unique symptoms, immediate results may vary as well. A reduction in pain or increase in overall range of motion usually occurs. Because CST improves the body’s own natural ability to correct its own imbalances, it is common that in the following two to three days to the next couple of weeks after a session, conditions may continue to improve.
    Beyond reducing pain, some clients may feel a sense of euphoric energy that allows them to feel like they can climb mountains, while others may go into a deep restful sleep that they hadn’t had in years. Others may feel and experience a deeper more meaningful inner connection.
    For most, an overall sense of body awareness occurs along with a feeling of “reorganizing”, improved and enhanced balance and alignment. As a result, undiagnosed problems and conditions may become treated and symptoms improve.

  • Who developed CST?

    CranioSacral Therapy was developed by Dr. John E. Upledger, an osteopathic physician.
    From 1975 to 1983, Dr. Upledger was a professor of Biomechanics at the College of osteopathic medicine at Michigan State University. While he was there he had a team of Anatomists, Physiologists, Biophysicists and Bioengineers who performed and published the clinical research that formed the basis for the approach he named CranioSacral Therapy.
    In 1985, Dr. Upledger founded the Upledger Institute to teach people worldwide about the value of this effective approach.

  • Can you help my teenager?

    Over the years, Domenic has treated many young teenagers and the effects are quite profound both for them and their families. 
    Some of the effects include dramatically reduced stresses of many kinds, clearing of destructive mental chatter and getting them to feel better about themselves, connecting within their body more directly – resulting in them feel more self confidence along with a higher degree of self worth. With a clearer mind and an open heart teenagers, like adults, are able to make decisions much more easily and without the negative influences.

  • What can I do to stay like this?

    This is the likely the most common question Domenic is asked.

    There are several steps a client can take to maintain the positive, uplifted, healthier feelings they experience with treatments.


    Not in any particular order:
    1. Be consistent with treatments over time - this supports you to continue releasing stress and tensions as well as evolving as a human being, making your body and mind stronger, clearer and balanced. 

    2. Be active in activities such as yoga, Qi Gong, tai chi and meditation and be sure to choose ones that suite you personally.

    3. Eat clean foods - meaning earth grown, alive and fed by water and sunshine. The more alive the food we eat, the more alive we are.

    4. Surround yourself with people and/or things that “enlighten” and uplift your soul and stay away from ones that “shock” and suppress your soul. 

    5. Take a little time alone to allow yourself to be more yourself, rather than being around others and busyness and therefore in a “reactive” state to those things.